速報APP / 娛樂 / Virtual cigarette for smokers prank

Virtual cigarette for smokers prank





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Virtual cigarette for smokers prank(圖1)-速報App

If you can't stop thinking about smoking your beloved cigarette but you want to quit smoking or you don't want to waste your health and cash - install virtual cigarettes! It's the best simulation for every addicted smoker! Now you can smoke staying healthy and saving money in the same time. This simulator is great for smokers who want to quit. Instead of buying a pack of cigarettes - take out a virtual one and start smoking like usually!

Virtual cigarette will become your favourite application because it will save you out from your addiction to tobacco and nicotine. You can also change your cigarette to fit it to your needs. You can choose smoking time and amount of smoke flying around you.

Virtual cigarette for smokers prank(圖2)-速報App

What's more? That you can smoke virtual cigarette even in places where smoking is prohibited. This will shock your friends and family when they will see you with virtual cigarette instead of a real, toxic cigarette!

Virtual cigarette for smokers prank(圖3)-速報App

Virtual cigarette for smokers prank(圖4)-速報App

Virtual cigarette for smokers prank(圖5)-速報App

Virtual cigarette for smokers prank(圖6)-速報App